SKY(Chicken manure) Fertilizer_Pellet type
SKY(Chicken manure) Fertilizer_Pellet type
SKY Fertilizer (Mixed Bio fertilizer)
Registration No : ChungBuk-JeCheon 24-Ga-20215
· It is high quality ecofriendly bio-fertilizer which is mainly made by chicken manure.
· It has much organic matter and can make the soil more healthier helping microbial activity.
· It can be applicable for all kinds of plants that increase the qyality of taste and color of fruits.
· It can help to reduce using chemical fertilizer and pesticides by giving plants the nutrient evenly.
· It can prevent the natural disaster by its air permeability and moisturizing effect.
· Since it is made in pellet type, easy to apply. you can get the best effect even in small quantities
품목 작물명 시비량(포/1000㎡) 비고
과수 사과,배,복숭아,포도 등 30 ~ 50 포

파종이나 정식 10~15일전에

밑거름으로 흙과 잘 혼합하여 사용하십시오.


과채류 고추,오이,토마토,호박,가지,수박 등 40 ~ 60 포
엽근채류 배추,시금치,무,감자,마늘,파,당근 등 40 ~ 70 포
일반작물 벼,고구마,보리 등 30 ~ 50 포
특용작물 인삼,담배 등 50포 내외
특성 완숙된 발효 퇴비 사용원료 계분 50%, 동식물성잔재물 20%, 수피 25%, 톱밥 5%
addr : 251-34, Otae-ro 116beon-gil, Daeso-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
TEL : 043)877-7890, 7891 | FAX : 043)878-7890