Since established in 1994, KOREAGREEN Co.,Ltd. has became a strong
enterprise in the bio-organic fertilizer through constant innovations of
techniques based on our professional technical manpower that has many
years of technical experience.
We produced high quality ecofriendly bio-fertilizer named 'SKY
Fertilizer(Animal manure 1st grade)', 'GREEN - GOLD(Innovative Fertilizer)',
'SKY Fertilizer PLUS(1st grade, Powder type, Pellet type, Tonbag type)','SKY
Fertilizer(Mixed Bio Fertilizer, Pellet type)', 'SKY GOLD(Dregs, Pellet type)'.
The executives and staff of KOREAGREEN devote ourselves to achieve the
customer-oriented trust and enterprise of credibility.
Thank you very much.
- CEO & President Y.M Shin -